IFMEX AFRICA brings to Dar es Salaam the premier trade show focused on the food processing industry. The event attracts leading brands in the food processing, manufacturing and packaging industry including international food processors, manufacturers, retailers, distributors, wholesalers, exporters, importers and other intermediaries in the food production, processing, packaging and kitchen equipment sectors.
IFMEX focuses on showcasing food processing, milling, production, packaging technologies, cold chain, food laboratory, supply chain and other technologies that are integral to Africa’s food manufacturing, retail and the hotel, restaurant and catering industry. This makes the exhibition a one-stop sourcing platform for the latest and most innovative food and beverage ingredients, packaging, processing, and logistics solutions across Africa.
Food processing is very important to Tanzania, as it contributes to food security, nutrition, trade and industrialization. According to the World Food Programme (WFP), food processing in Tanzania constitutes 24% of the entire manufacturing sector. The main sectors are beverage and dairy products, canning and preserving of fruits and vegetables, canning fish and similar foods, manufacture of vegetable oils, grains milling and baking, sugar and confectionery as well as animal feeds. The food processing sector is characterized by micro and small-scale processors, with a number of medium and large size processors, most of which are in Dar es Salaam, Tanga, Kilimanjaro and Arushahtt.