How to get added to our listings
To get your company listed on TSNN please follow these steps:
1. Login or Register using the link in the top right corner.
2. Under Manage Your Listings on the right side bar, click on Add an event and enter the event details. TSNN ONLY accepts events that have a showfloor or exhibit. No conferences, summits, etc. unless related to the trade show industry (such as Niche Media EventFest, etc.)
3. If the Organizer or Venue for the event is not listed you may choose to Add an Organizer or Add a Venue to your event.
Pending verification your listing in the TSNN directory will provide added exposure and connections to ensure success – and it won't cost you a nickel.
All regular listings are complimentary, but if you would like your listing to be featured at the top of your industry sector on a list of more than 6,000 shows for $199, as well as other added features, please contact Bradford Christison
To add a vendor, on the right side bar, click on Add a Vendor
To report a problem with the registration process, please email Bradford Christison