EUROGIN is the world’s leading international congress on HPV infection and associated cancers.
This year marks the 30th Anniversary of EUROGIN. The creation of this international scientific organization marked a cornerstone in the innovation and research of HPV-driven cancers. Over three decades, we have transformed the scientific landscape by advancing knowledge, sharing experiences, and pioneering new research pathways.
Our vision is built on a global network of passionate experts and scientists working together to promote education, training, and innovation. Through a collaborative approach focused on translational research, we have contributed to the worldwide development of new practices in screening, prevention, and management, and validated innovative methods that save lives.
Today, the EUROGIN international multidisciplinary congress is the annual must-attend event for researchers and emerging talents. It provides a platform to present groundbreaking work and discuss future scientific directions.
This 30th Anniversary is a unique opportunity to celebrate our history and bring together the pioneers who have shaped this journey with the new generation of scientists. Together, we will continue to push the boundaries of science, inspiring and innovating for a better future.