Gain insights into potential business areas and get to know new partners before you visit FAF - FARBE, AUSBAU & FASSADE. The digital platform FAF CONNECT provides an overview of all exhibitors from A to Z, filterable by country, product and focal topic. Companies also have the opportunity to publish informative and relevant content on the focus topics.
Since 1972 FARBE, AUSBAU & FASSADE is a specialised trade fair dealing with the subject of paint, development, façades, preservation of structures, rendering, plastering and dry walling. The trade fair is organized by GHM Gesellschaft für Handweksmessen mbH. In 2019 the trade fair took place at the Fairground Cologne.
The product range covers the following subjects: Coating materials, paint and lacquers, render and rendering systems, thermal insulation composite systems, dry walling and equipment, screed, ceiling, wall and floor coverings and coatings, wall and ceiling trim, wall paper, backing cloths, decoration, ecological construction materials, stucco, plaster and cement materials, adhesives, automobile repair paints, paint spray equipment and systems, monument preservation, tools, equipment, ladders, workshop facilities, signage, screen printing, gold plating, work clothes, work safety.